The Sarmatians Iazyges are seen as barbarian warriors, ancient news reminding more of their military events. Despite this, through analysis of their way of life and archaeological discoveries made in settlements and burial grounds have outlined the big picture of Sarmatian society in the space between Danube and Tisa. The Sarmatian settlements found in the Danube-Tisa territory, mostly from the southern part of the Iazyges Barbaricum are not well known, due to the small of number of settlements that have been excavated. Most of the ones categorized as „Sarmatian” has no element which can link them with Iranian culture, having burial grounds nearby that are of Sarmatian origin and are dated from the same period. A similar situation is found „dacian-roman” settlements, but for these the adjacent burial ground that should point the ethnic roots of the settlement is missing. The occupations of these „Sarmatian” settlers are ordinary: agriculture, cow and sheep herding. To these we can add a series of occupations that are a must to any rural community: carpentry, smiting, pottery, woodworking, as well as home occupations (spinning, weaving etc.). Living in enclaves or mixed settlements composed of Sarmatians and Dacians have brought the adoption of occupations of a more sedentary type.