Un pumnal akinakes și patru vârfuri de săgeţi descoperite accidental la marginea orașului Alba Iulia


During 2014 in the heritage of National Museum of the Union from Alba Iulia, was registered an iron akinake dagger, with a scabbard made of the same material, along with four bronze arrow-heads. The dagger, slightly curved and with a single sharp cut (Tiszadob type), has good analogies in the Middle Mures area. Most likely, these artifacts belonged to a Scythian burial inventory. The weapons were discovered by chance on land-setting works, on the property of a resident of the Pâclişa neighborhood, in the outskirts of Alba Iulia city, Alba County. Considering the analogies known so far, such objects are framed in the second half of the 6th century BC. The registration of these objects in the records of the National Museum of the Union from Alba Iulia was important, since these were subjected to an extensive process of restoration and preservation, after which the objects could be exhibited in the exhibition.