In this present work we proposed to present a history of the investigations re-garding the Late Iron Age in the Arad County. The first period, before 1918, was mar-ked by the figures of L. Dămător and S. Mârki. An amateur archaeologists, Dămător was the first to begun diggings in the Pecica - "'anul Mare" archaeological site - however, he atributed the uncovered Dacian artefacts to the Roman period. After 1918, the investigations where continued by M. Roska, and during the war, by D. Po-pescu. During the researches of the latter are published the first information about the Late Iron Age layers. Between the years 1945-1989, there had been a lot of re-searches concerning especially the Dacian civilization. During this time, the Arad Museum is organized, and the activity of E. Dărner marks a new beginning, professio-nalizing the archaeology in Arad. Most important during this period where the researches of M. Barbu, S. Dumitraşcu, I.H. Crişan, L. Mărghitan and V. Boroneanţ who identified and dug some of the most important sites in the area, such as Pecica - "Şanţul Mare", Săvârşin - "Dealul Cetăţii", Vărădia de Mureş, Berindia - "Dealul Şindrioara". Extensive field researches had been made by E. Pădurean and Fl. Du-daş, discovering many new sites, while numerous studies where published discussing various aspects of Late iron age civilization, from numismatics to fortification systems. After the 1989 revolution, researches continued at Cladova and Săvârşin, the latter is going to have a published monography. Field researches continued too, by E. Pădurean and L. Măruia. Unfortunately, despite the extensive diggings of the previous decades, many artifacts remained to this day unpublished in the collections of the various local museums. For a better understanding of the period, we strongly believe that these materials should be published.